What is the best solution for our current problem of plastic bag? reusable shopping bags? Biodegradable plastic bags? Many people believe that biodegradable bags are the best solution because they are biodegradable. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily true. Biodegradable bags have their own problems can be avoided if everyone started using reusable bags instead will buy. The purpose of this paper is the problems that these biodegradable bags and show how reusable bags are really explain the best solution for all of our shopping cart.
In an analysis of the life cycle of various types of disposable bags (plastic, biodegradable plastic, paper, etc.), the American Chemistry Council has concluded that the biodegradable plastic bags requires about 3 times as much energy to produce than Ordinary plastic bags (polyethylene). In addition, four times the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) used in the production and 18 times the amount of water to produce biodegradable bags compared to normal plastic bags issued. This raises the question whether the benefits of life of biodegradable bags, the additional energy and resource consumption to meet in its creation. Probably the answer is no. In addition, there is no reason why we use or biodegradable bags or plastic bags of energy and pollute our environment, in the first place! We use reusable bags and most of these songs to be avoided!
biodegradable plastic bags can be recycled with normal plastic bags, making trouble for their use. Since it is not easy to recycle, most are discarded as they are transported to landfills. I think what I do in landfills? Biodegradable? No! You go and spend a long, long time! Even if they are taken to be biodegradable, non-biodegradable in landfills, because, as managed landfills today. In fact, more truly biologically degradable in a landfill, as most landfills regularly with layers of soil to be covered to keep the smell.
The only way to "responsible" for the provision of biodegradable bags for compost, but there are only about 100 plants in the U.S., compost bio-degradable plastic bags. Consequently, at the end in the same place as regular plastic bags - in landfills or as litter in our cities, seas, rivers, streams, etc.. While biodegradable bags, which fall by the end of the trash will eventually, but the conclusion is that biodegradable bags prove to be the answer that everyone thought it would be.
The best thing we can do is start using reusable bags. reusable shopping bags will need to produce energy, but can be used over a long period of time, the energy for any use of reusable bags will need a lot less paper, plastic and / or biodegradable bags. Reusable bags can also serve other purposes - such as travel bags, beach bags, carry bags, or the things to your next pot luck dinner. It's an easy decision when you look at the facts - stop worrying about whether biodegradable bags are good and start using reusable shopping bags with the knowledge that the best alternative.
In an analysis of the life cycle of various types of disposable bags (plastic, biodegradable plastic, paper, etc.), the American Chemistry Council has concluded that the biodegradable plastic bags requires about 3 times as much energy to produce than Ordinary plastic bags (polyethylene). In addition, four times the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) used in the production and 18 times the amount of water to produce biodegradable bags compared to normal plastic bags issued. This raises the question whether the benefits of life of biodegradable bags, the additional energy and resource consumption to meet in its creation. Probably the answer is no. In addition, there is no reason why we use or biodegradable bags or plastic bags of energy and pollute our environment, in the first place! We use reusable bags and most of these songs to be avoided!
biodegradable plastic bags can be recycled with normal plastic bags, making trouble for their use. Since it is not easy to recycle, most are discarded as they are transported to landfills. I think what I do in landfills? Biodegradable? No! You go and spend a long, long time! Even if they are taken to be biodegradable, non-biodegradable in landfills, because, as managed landfills today. In fact, more truly biologically degradable in a landfill, as most landfills regularly with layers of soil to be covered to keep the smell.
The only way to "responsible" for the provision of biodegradable bags for compost, but there are only about 100 plants in the U.S., compost bio-degradable plastic bags. Consequently, at the end in the same place as regular plastic bags - in landfills or as litter in our cities, seas, rivers, streams, etc.. While biodegradable bags, which fall by the end of the trash will eventually, but the conclusion is that biodegradable bags prove to be the answer that everyone thought it would be.
The best thing we can do is start using reusable bags. reusable shopping bags will need to produce energy, but can be used over a long period of time, the energy for any use of reusable bags will need a lot less paper, plastic and / or biodegradable bags. Reusable bags can also serve other purposes - such as travel bags, beach bags, carry bags, or the things to your next pot luck dinner. It's an easy decision when you look at the facts - stop worrying about whether biodegradable bags are good and start using reusable shopping bags with the knowledge that the best alternative.
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